Effective Treatment and Prevention for Eye Diseases

Eye diseases are a broad category which refers to a variety of eye disorders that affect the function of the eyes. These diseases can be classified as acute, chronic, progressive, or seasonal. Acute is characterized by inflammation of the retina (image of the eye) itself. Chronic disease, on the other hand, is characterized by chronic inflammation and scarring of the retina. All these diseases can also lead to retinal detachment (also known as macular degeneration) and loss of vision.

Eye diseases and disorders that cause blindness are commonly referred to as “diagnostic” diseases. A doctor will use a medical history and symptoms of the patient to determine whether or not he/she has the disease. If it is determined that the disease exists, then an accurate diagnosis can be made. Common eye conditions that cause blindness are described below:

Dry Eyes

This condition is usually caused by a bacterial infection of the lower eyelids, the conjunctiva, or both. Some researchers also believe that dehydration may play a role in the development of dry eye syndrome. Eye drops containing sodium chloride or saline are prescribed to treat dry eyes. Treatment of this condition can either involve the continuous application of drops, or the use of special lenses which reduce the loss of tears. In severe cases, surgery may be required.


Another commonly known as dry eye syndrome is a cataract. This is one of the most common types of ocular disorders and affects the lenses of the eyes. It is characterized by an accumulation of cholesterol crystals (cholesterol crystals which have crystallized) in the lens, the cornea and the retina. A cataract is caused by excessive production of bile acids in the liver, which leads to excess protein deposit in the lens.

Cataracts are generally easy to treat but their occurrence can be difficult to detect. This is because most patients do not notice their presence until a serious eye disorder develops. Because of this, cataracts can occur with no symptoms at all. For this reason, cataracts should not be dismissed as being “stage 1” of eye disease or even a complication of a serious disease such as diabetes or macular degeneration. Cataracts are not just dangerous. They can also affect the eyesight of patients who suffer from these eye conditions.

retinitis pigmentosa


There are many different ways to treat eye diseases and disorders. The main objective of treatment should be the prevention and cure of the disease itself and the other complications that could occur. Treatments of cataracts, for example, include the replacement of the cataract or surgery if it becomes extremely large or hard to remove. Prescription medicines which contain steroidal ingredients have been used to prevent the formation of new cataracts and to treat the ones that already exist. Also, there are various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which are used to relieve pain caused by inflammation of the eyes.

To correct the damage caused by eye defects such as retinal detachment, surgical procedures are often recommended. This type of eye surgery is called an ocular discectomy. In ophthalmologists’ opinion, ophthalmic chemicals (ophthalmoscopic (eye drops) are more effective than lasers in treating this condition. due to their ability to reach deeper layers of the cornea, photoreceptors, and the blood vessels, ophthalmologists have discovered that photoreceptors which are affected by cataract can be treated by chemical photocoagulation. This method involves a procedure that is relatively new and is not yet fully accepted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Treatment of certain eye diseases should be started after the early signs of the disease appear. Patients who are affected by these conditions must undergo a thorough eye examination. This will help them determine the best possible course of treatment for their eye problems and also give them more knowledge on the most effective treatments available

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